

Le Fils de l'Homme

Dans les récits évangéliques, le terme “ Fils de l'Homme ” est l'auto-désignation qui se trouve le plus souvent sur les lèvres de Jésus. Il est dérivé de la vision de Daniel de celui “ en tant que Fils de l'Homme ” qui a reçu la “ domination et le royaume de l'Ancien des Jours .” Selon Jésus, “ Toutes les tribus de la Terre ” se lamenteront quand “ elles verront le Fils de l'homme venir sur les nuées du ciel .”

The Time has Arrived

The Book of Revelation begins with the phrase, “ Revelation of Jesus Christ .” It is a message for his “ servants ,” the “ Seven Assemblies of Asia ,” and it concerns “ what things must come to pass soon ,” necessary information since the “ season is at hand .” Therefore, the Book pronounces the man who “ reads it, and they who heed the words of the prophecy, blessed ” – (Revelation 1:1-3).

Redeeming the Nations

The Book of Revelation presents us with paradoxical images and visions that do not conform to our expectations about how God works. His purpose in subjugating His enemies and judging the nations differs radically from so-called “human wisdom.” Just as his contemporaries did not understand Jesus, so we fail to comprehend the “ Slain Lamb ” and how he shepherds the nations from his Throne.

The Shepherd King

The Book of Revelation assures the beleaguered congregations of Asia that Jesus reigns and has events firmly in hand despite appearances and hostility. His Sovereignty is based on his past Death and Resurrection, and therefore absolute, extending even over “ Death and Hades .” His Resurrection from the dead marked the start of his reign from the Divine Throne.

Christ or Lucifer

The Inhabitants of the Earth refuse to follow the Lamb, choosing instead to give their allegiance to the Dragon. In Revelation , there is no geographic restriction on the reign of the “ Beast from the Se a.” All the “ Inhabitants of the Earth ” take its “ Mark ” or “ Number ” and venerate it, and no government resists the “ Beast .” It is granted “ authority over every tribe, people, tongue and nation .” There are no exceptions to the rule beyond the “ saints .”