[Click on the title below to open an article]
- The Ancient Beast - {PDF Copy} - (The Beast from the Sea is the latest incarnation of the ancient creature, the Dragon, that has stalked the seed of the woman since the sin of Adam)
- The Abyss - {PDF Copy} - (The Abyss is the source of satanic attacks against the church even though it remains under the authority of the Lamb – Revelation 11:7)
- The Dragon's Demise - {PDF Copy} - (Satan is released from the Abyss and launches his final attack on the saints, but he is the one who is defeated and judged)
- The Coming War - {PDF Copy} - (At the end of the age, Satan and his servants will launch their final war against the saints, the followers of the Slain Lamb)
- The Persecuting Beast - {PDF Copy} - (The Dragon and his earthly vassals wage war against the saints, the followers of the Lamb, and not against other nation-states)
- The Ascending Beast - {PDF Copy} - (To identify the Antichrist, we must understand what the relevant scriptures say about him, his methods, and his agenda)
- The Beast from the Abyss - {PDF Copy} - (The Beast first appears when he ascends from the Abyss to wage war on the Two Witnesses after they complete their testimony)
- Beast from the Sea - {PDF Copy} - (The Dragon began his attack against the Seed of the Woman by summoning his seed, the Beast from the Sea – Revelation 13:1-5)
- The Beast at War - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, the language of war is used metaphorically to describe the persecution of believers by the Beast from the Sea)
- Beast's Global Dominion - {PDF Copy} - (The kings and the inhabitants of the earth refuse to follow the Lamb. Instead, they give homage to the beast)
- War Against the Saints - {PDF Copy} - (The Beast from the sea is authorized to wage war on the SAINTS for its overlord, the Ancient Serpent, the Dragon – Revelation 13:6-10)
- The Mouth Speaking Great Things - {PDF Copy} - (The Mouth speaking great things in Daniel appears in Revelation in the description of the Beast from the Sea that persecutes the saints)
- Four Beasts in One - {PDF Copy} - (The single Beast from the sea in Revelation is related to but distinct from the four beasts that Daniel saw rising from the sea)
- The Second Beast - {PDF Copy} - (The Beast from the Earth imitates the Lamb. It is the mouthpiece of the Dragon and the propagandist of the Beast from the Sea)
- The Beastly Religion - {PDF Copy} - (The Beast from the Earth, the False Prophet, mimics the Lamb and presents a counterfeit of the true faith of Jesus and his apostles)
- Beastly Mark - {PDF Copy} - (All men who refuse to follow the Lamb will render homage to the Beast and take its mark)
- Beastly Number - {PDF Copy} - (The Number of the Beast, 666, is based on the dimensions of the great image erected by Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon)
- The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of God? - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, “all” means “ALL.” All men and women that refuse to follow the “Lamb” will render homage to the “beast” and take its “mark”)
- Beastly Economics - {PDF Copy} - (The second Beast employs economic pressure to coerce men so they swear allegiance to the Beast from the sea)
- Beasts in the Assembly - {PDF Copy} - (John identified false teachers in the church as ‘antichrists’, and their deceptive teachings confirmed that the Last Days had commenced)
- The Nations Revolt -{PDF Copy} - (The conspiracy by the Earth’s kings to unseat the Messiah is applied in the New Testament to the plot to destroy Jesus – Psalm 2:1-6)
- The Lawless One - Forerunner - {PDF Copy} - (The Little Horn in Daniel is the model for the Man of Lawlessness described by Paul to the Thessalonians)
- His Day - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus will arrive to gather his people to himself on the Day of the Lord, and in the New Testament, this event becomes the Day of Christ)
- Two Missing Events - {PDF Copy} - (Two events must occur before the Day of the Lord comes, the Apostasy and the unveiling of the Man of Lawlessness)
- The Apostasy - {PDF Copy} - (Paul warned the Thessalonians of the future apostasy which he linked to the unveiling of the Man of Lawlessness, the Son of Destruction)
- Seated in the Sanctuary- {PDF Copy} - (The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he seats himself in the House of God - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- The Mystery of Lawlessness - {PDF Copy} - (The Mystery of Lawlessness is preparing the way for the unveiling of the Lawless One who will cause many believers to apostatize)
- The Spirit of Antichrist - {PDF Copy} - (The Antichrist Spirit works to destroy the church from within, especially through deception propagated by deceivers and false teachers – 1 John 2:18-22)
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[Lighthouse Photo by Darko Pribeg on Unsplash] |