[Click on the title below to open an article]
- Tribulation vs Wrath - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples escape God’s wrath, but they endure tribulation, and the Assembly has been appointed to tribulation – 1 Thessalonians 3:1-4)
- Patmos - {PDF Copy} - (John was exiled to Patmos because of his testimony – A fellow participant in the Tribulation and Perseverance in Jesus - Revelation 1:9)
- The Nicolaitans - {PDF Copy} - (A teaching in several of the churches of Asia that promoted compromise with idolatry and emperor worship)
- Tribulation of the Church - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, faithful saints undergo tribulation, but the unrepentant inhabitants of the earth receive wrath, the Second Death)
- The Persecuting Beast - {PDF Copy} - (The Dragon and his earthly vassals wage war against the saints, the followers of the Lamb, and not against other nation-states)
- Inhabitants of the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (The Inhabitants of the Earth represent the men who are omitted from the Book of Life because they embrace the Beast from the Sea)
- The Wrath of God - {PDF Copy} - ("Wrath" in Revelation refers to God's punishment of the wicked at the end of the age)
- Multiple Final Judgments? - {PDF Copy} - (Each of the three sevenfold series in Revelation concludes with a final judgment scene that transpires at the end of the age)
- The Beast at War - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, the language of war is used metaphorically to describe the persecution of believers by the Beast from the Sea)
- The Beastly Religion - {PDF Copy} - (The Beast from the Earth, the False Prophet, mimics the Lamb and presents a counterfeit of the true faith of Jesus and his apostles)
- Beastly Mark - {PDF Copy} - (All men who refuse to follow the Lamb will render homage to the Beast and take its mark)
- The Mark of the Beast or the Seal of God? - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, “all” means “ALL.” All men and women that refuse to follow the “Lamb” will render homage to the “beast” and take its “mark”)
- Beast's Global Dominion - {PDF Copy} - (The kings and the inhabitants of the earth refuse to follow the Lamb. Instead, they give homage to the beast)
- Russia is NOT Rosh - {PDF Copy} - (Revelation identifies Gog and Magog as the nations from the four corners of the Earth that attack the saints)
- War Against the Saints - {PDF Copy} - (The Beast from the sea is authorized to wage war on the SAINTS for its overlord, the Ancient Serpent, the Dragon – Revelation 13:6-10)
- Faithful Until Death - {PDF Copy} - (The Assembly in Smyrna has faithfully persevered and is exhorted to continue to do so, even UNTIL DEATH - Revelation 2:8-11)